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时间:2023-05-06 16:51:35 分类:行业动态

零能耗建筑学术委 零能耗建筑学术委 2023-05-06 11:16 发表于北京



《零碳建筑指南——实现零碳建筑的三个步骤》指南于2023年4月发布。该指南由中瑞零碳建筑项目团队联合主编。首席作者为茵态综合规划咨询有限公司 Roland Stulz 先生。指南提供中英两个版本供读者参阅。

“ZEB Guideline—Three steps toward ZEB buildings” guideline was published in April 2023. The guideline is commissioned by Sino-Swiss ZEB project team. The lead author is Mr. Roland Stulz, from INTEP. The guideline is available in both English and Chinese for readers' reference.

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                                                                                                             The report is divided into four parts, which are:            

                                                                                                             1:Integral planning

                                                                                                             2:The ZEB dutybook

                                                                                                             3:The ZEB balance sheet 




The introduction of the guideline begins with the starting point of the guideline – to help Chinese partners achieve the goal of ZEB buildings. And how to use this guide, where integral planning is a goal-driven design process. The ZEB dutybook and the ZEB balance sheet are two important tools in the process of achieving a ZEB project.

This guideline supports planning and building according to the ZEB Zero Emission Standard of the China Academy of Building Research (CABR) and the Swiss Association of Engineers and Architects Standard 2040.

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In the first part, the guideline emphasizes the importance of integral planning. ZEB projects should establish good partnerships between the various participants early in the project to ensure correct objectives (a general target agreement checklist is provided in Appendix 1). The following sections detail the implementation of the integral plan and provide some tools to achieve the control of the objectives.

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The second part is the ZEB dutybook. This section clarifies the specific requirements and objectives of the project participants, and an example of the dutybook is provided in Appendix 2 for the reader's reference. The contents of this dutybook are not static, it needs to adjust to meet the specific situations of each project and to be determined with the whole team。

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第三部分内容围绕能源和碳排平衡计算展开。这部分先是对平衡计算的一些前置条件进行了说明。然后以瑞士核算工具SIA 2040 为基准,介绍了如何在项目初期评估建筑的能源消耗及温室气体排放(详情参见附录4)。

The third part revolves around the ZEB balance sheet. This part first explains some of the preconditions for balance calculation. It then uses the Swiss calculation tool SIA 2040 as a benchmark to assess a building's energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions at an early stage of the project (see Appendix 4 for details). 

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The part four summarizes the full text. It re-emphasises that future buildings must meet ZEB standard, and the ZEB standard is the benchmark for sustainable building in China and around the world. 

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To obtain the guideline on "ZEB Guideline—Three steps toward ZEB buildings", please scan the QR code below. For more information, please follow our Wechat account!

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In order to jointly address global climate change and strengthen cooperation between China and Switzerland in the field of emission reduction in the construction industry, on 24 November 2020, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China and the Swiss Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the development of cooperation in the field of building energy efficiency. Within the framework of this MoU, the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC) initiated and funded the Sino-Swiss zero-carbon building project. The project aims to support China in formulating the technical standard of zero carbon buildings and long-term roadmaps for reducing carbon emissions in the construction industry by contributing Swiss experience and technology, and building zero-carbon building demonstration projects in different climate zones, while carrying out various forms of capacity building activities, so as to ultimately promote the carbon-neutral development of China's construction industry.

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